DroidDB Tip of the Month
DroidDB® Tip for October 2019
Print Preview
DroidDB allows you to Print a report, but does not have a built-in Print-Preview. If you want to offer your users a Print-Preview, you can do it with a macro.
Say you have an application called MyApplication and a report called MyReport. The Print-Preview can be done with a simple three step macro:
- STEP 1: Action: REPORT, choose the 'To a File", and select MyReport from the dropdown
- STEP 2: Action: ASSIGN, Col: @var(0), Value: << The full file pathname of the report file >>
For example, Value might be set to '/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/MyApplication/MyReport.pdf' - STEP 3: Action: RUN EXTERNAL, Command: << empty >>, Arg: @var(0)
Then, creata a button on your form to run the macro.