DroidDB® Frequently Asked Questions
DroidDB software allows you to build custom mobile database applications for Android devices.
Note: You can find additional helpful information in our "Tip of the Month Archive."
The most commonly asked question:
D1) Pre-sales questions:
- D1-a) Other than DroidDB, what do I need to create a form?
- D1-b) I'm not a programmer, will I be able to use DroidDB?
- D1-c) What versions of Android does DroidDB work with?
- D1-d) What's the difference between Standard and Business Editions?
- D1-e) How can I upgrade from Standard Edition to Business Edition?
- D1-f) Does DroidDB support color?
- D1-g) Do you provide evaluation copies?
- D1-h) Is there a Macro Programming capability?
- D1-i) Where do you design forms?
- D1-j) Where do forms run?
- D1-k) What are DroidDB’s relational capabilities?
- D1-l) Why is the DroidDB Runtime End-User License so much more expensive on the Android Marketplace (Google play)?
D2) Installation questions:
D3) Downloading and synchronization questions:
- D3-a) I just downloaded data from Access, but I can't find it on the Android device. Where is it?
- D3-b) Can DroidDB synchronize with a Microsoft Access database? What other types of databases can DroidDB synchronize to?
- D3-c) I downloaded a table and now I get the error, "Tables not compatible for synchronization" when I try to synchronize. Why?
- D3-d) When I synchronize I want to move the records from the Android device to the desktop and then remove them from the handheld. How do I do this?
- D3-e) When I synchronize, Microsoft Access gives me the message, "Field can't be a zero-length string". How do I fix this?
- D3-f) Do I have to do anything special to synchronize with SQL Server?
- D3-g) When I try to synchronize, I get a message that says, "Field cannot be updated" or "You tried to assign the Null value to a variable that isn't a VARIANT datatype". What is this and how can I fix the problem?
- D3-h) Is there anything I can do to make synchronization faster?
- D3-i) When I use FILE | DOWNLOAD to download data from an Excel spreadsheet, why is the list of tables empty?
- D3-j) I get the error "You do not have the necessary permissions to use the <<.mdb file>> object. Have your system administrator or the person who created this object establish the appropriate permissions for you." when I try to synchronize to an Access database (.MDB file). Why?
- D3-k) When using Excel files, why do I see the error "[Microsoft][ODBC Excel Driver]Operation must use an updateable query."?
D4) Usage questions:
- D4-a) How do I delete a table from my Android device?
- D4-b) How do I delete a form from my Android device?
- D4-c) How do I delete an application?
- D4-d) When Jumping to another form and creating a new record, is there any way to carry more than just the key value to the new record?
- D4-e) When I'm editing a macro, the macro editor window is too large for my screen. Is there a way to make it smaller?